Meet Our Northern California Regents
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 3:23PM

We had a chance to sit down and talk to our Northern California regents, Mark and Cora Peterson. Read on to see what they had to say about their CDSNA experience!


CDSNA: What are your current occupations? 

CP: I currently work for the Fresno United School District in the Food Service Department.

MP: I am currently the Product Manager for Volvo Penta, Isuzu Diesel Engines, and MTU Onsite Energy Generator Systems for Valley Power Systems, Inc.

CDSNA: How did you first hear of the Clan Douglas Society of North America? 

MP: Cora and I first heard of the Clan Douglas Society of North America after we attended our first Scottish Highland Games sponsored by the Scottish Society of Central California. During the games we found out there was no Clan Douglas tent at the games! When we got home we went online to see if there was a Clan Douglas Society we could get in touch with.

CDSNA: Can you remember your first Scottish Festival or Highland Games? 

MP: Yes, we attended our first Highland Games in September 14th, 2002. 

CP: I really wanted to attend the games and see what it was all about. Once we got there we really got a kick out of watching the games, visiting the clan row, and listening to the music.

MP: The food wasn’t too bad either. Cora got her first Clan Douglas scarf and our son got a claymore. 

Cora and Mark celebrating at their favorite pub.

CDSNA: What is your favorite aspect of the Scottish community? 

MP: Our favorite aspect of the Scottish community is the camaraderie and all of the new friends we have made. We have always loved history and the exploration of our Scottish heritage. Each has been a very rewarding experience. 

CP: Being able to share Scottish heritage with others, who are just as passionate as we are, has been a very positive experience. 

CDSNA: What made you decide to become the California Regent? 

MP: Cora and I decided to become the Northern California Regent after we attended our first games and noticed there was no Clan Douglas tent. After the event, we went online and found out that there was a Clan Douglas Society of North America. While scanning the website, I found Bill Douglass, the past President of Clan Douglas. I called and chatted with him and asked him who was the person in charge in California. Bill went on to tell me that the regent for northern California had passed away a number of years ago and the position was open if I was interested. Cora and I discussed the matter and decided to attempt to become the new regents.

CP: Our first official games, as regents, was on September 18th 2003 at the Fresno Highland Games.

CDSNA: How far have you traced your Scottish Roots? 

MP: So far we have been able to trace our Scottish roots back to 1808 in Warren County North Carolina to a man by the name of William Pascal Douglas. 

CP: Currently a friend of ours, through the Scottish Society of Central California, is researching our family line .

MP: He is also a volunteer genealogist for Clan McKay. 

CDSNA: Have you ever been to Scotland? 

MP: We have been fortunate enough to have been to Scotland numerous times. We first went to Scotland after a business trip to Germany and took the train from Köln, Germany to London, England. We rented a vehicle and drove from London to Scotland, it was beautiful drive we will never forget. 

CP: The second time we went we took our two children, our daughter's best friend, and Mark's parents. It was quite an adventure packing seven people into a van. 

MP: We didn't have enough room for all of us and our luggage combined! Even with that we still drove all over and visited numerous Douglas sites. 

CP: The third time Mark went was after a business trip to Germany. He flew to Scotland to check out some places to celebrate our upcoming 25th anniversary. Mark met Jim and Jeanette Fleming who were gracious hosts to him while he was scouting for venues. 

MP: The fourth time we went was in 2009. We were with our family to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary and to attend The Gathering in Edinburgh. 

CP: We renewed out wedding vows at the ancient St. Brides Church in Douglas, Scotland. It was quite a wonderful day that we shared with family and friends.

MP: We are planning to go back to Scotland in the near future.

CDSNA: Is there anything you would like to add to the Clan Douglas Society of North America or have a personal comment about your experience? 

MP: It is our hope to encourage people to become part of the society and participate in the events in which CDSNA attends. As each year begins, we always look forward to planning the games and the menu for our annual Clan Douglas BBQ in Pleasanton, California. 

CP: We always look forward to seeing new and old visitors. 

MP: And coaxing someone new into walking in the Clan march!

CDSNA: Thank you Mark and Cora!


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Article originally appeared on Clan Douglas (
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